Testimonials Praising Rosemary Dunn Dalton, LCSW


Testimonials Praising Rosemary Dunn Dalton, LCSW
I have benefited greatly from Rosemary’s real insight and knowledge as well as her capacity to appreciate and understand the many aspects of the human condition. Her ability to incorporate micro, meso, and macro systems of care into the supervisory lens has supported me in providing both comprehensive and humanistic social service to underserved populations.
Rosemary’s willingness to help me recognize, understand, and communicate the multilayered needs of others and to apply that knowledge in numerous settings has facilitated my ability to build alliances. Rosemary has impacted who I am as a practitioner in ways that benefit not only me, but the community. Her commitment to social justice is unprecedented in the Rogue Valley.C. Brazie, Clinical Supervisee
I have had the privilege of learning from Rosemary, both in feminist coursework and in clinical supervision. My education and clinical practice have been profoundly impacted by her modeling of relational client work, social justice orientation, and commitment to the Social Work Code of Ethics. Rosemary is a wise partner in my clinical development, encouraging interrogation of theoretic perspectives in living practice.Taylor B., Clinical Supervisee
Rosemary was an outstanding teacher. Her students found her to be inspirational and stimulating. Her students did more than just learn facts—she required them to engage with issues and to apply their studies to real-world situations.
Rosemary’s role as a supervisor for our program has been extremely important. The faculty have come to depend on her insights and evaluation of our graduate students. She encourages and draws out the strengths in our students as well as confronting and challenging areas needing growth.Lani Fujitsubo, Professor of Psychology