Chelsea Clinton, Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton

Bill Clinton: Then and Now

It’s been tough listening to politicians since Bill Clinton left the presidency. He was a brilliant orator and still is. He had his shortcomings, which may be an understatement considering the Monica Lewinsky saga and subsequent impeachment. I didn’t really understand how an impeached president could continue to stay in office, but he beat it somehow through a procedural process. I could research that right now if I cared more.

Bill Clinton has recently visited South Africa, Mozambique, Rwanda, and Uganda with his daughter, Chelsea. He wanted her and others to view the philanthropic efforts that take up much of his time these days. No doubt he was making up for his neglect of the Rwandan genocide, AIDS epidemic, famine, and war in Somalia during his presidency. Presently, his foundation has 1,300 employees and volunteers who work in 50 countries. Chelsea Clinton emerged during this trip as more public, greeting people and shaking hands. He has aspirations for his wife/partner Hillary and daughter to become more involved in the foundation. Clinton speaks openly about perhaps not being around to continue in his work. Death—not the best topic for today.

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